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Bouquet of fresh bicolor roses


2 different colors in a single bouquet. Bouquet of 21 stems

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Nada Lindor chocolates. 200g +20,00€ Ferrero Rocher chocolates 3u +5,00€ Ferrero Rocher chocolates 16u +20,00€


Nada Fragrance No. 1 Fresh Rose +15,00€ Fragrance No. 5 Orange Blossom +15,00€ Fragrance No. 7 Jasmine +15,00€

Includes one of our glass vases

Nada Open neck glass vase 37 cm +15,00€ 26 cm domed glass vase +15,00€ Bubble vase 19,5 cm +15,00€ Glass vase with curved base 40 cm +20,00€ Medium fish tank 18 cm +15,00€ Small wide glass vase +12,00€


Nada Little Teddy I Love You (15cm) +€10,00 Teddy I Love You (26cm) +€15,00 Elephant teddy boy (20cm) +€10,00 Elephant teddy girl (20cm) +€10,00 Teddy Boy (20cm) +10,00€ Teddy Girl (20cm) +10,00€ Lady Bug Love (30cm) +€13,00 Giant Heart Bear (95cm tall) +90,00€ Beige Bear (25cm) +15,00€ Brown Bear (25cm) +15,00€ Pink Bear (25cm) +15,00€ White Bear (25cm) +15,00€ Dark Brown Bear (25cm) +15,00€ Bear with Giant Bow +150,00€

Add a box of petals

Nada Petals +15,00€


Bouquet of fresh bicolor roses

Our Premium stem roses have high quality standards. The duration of our fresh roses It will depend on the care you give it.

Our Bouquet of Fresh Bicolor Roses is one of our most beautiful and original creations. Wherever it is placed, it impresses everyone who sees it and notices its fragrance. Simple and elegant at the same time.

If you like fresh roses, this is what you are looking for. Wherever she goes, she impresses everyone who sees her. Our expert florists twist the stems into a spiral to create a rounded, even crown, where each rose rests on the others. The long stems stand on the ground in perfect balance, proving that our bouquets are perfectly crafted.

Additional Information


White-yellow, White-Pink Pink expression, Fuchsia-white, Red-yellow, Pink-yellow, Red-white, Red-pink, Pink-white