Bouquet of daisies
Bouquet of white, yellow, orange or fuchsia daisies accompanied by fresh greens
Bouquet of daisies
Daisies are a classic symbol of purity and innocence, friendship and love. Thanks to the legend where the daisy stands out for its incredible colour and purity in a forest full of other flowers, at Provocateur Roses we have highlighted the natural beauty of flowers, giving importance in this case to the daisies. In an elegant and sophisticated packaging where the daisies are the protagonists, they turn this bouquet into a beautiful detail.
Thanks to the durability of these flowers you can enjoy them for more than 2 or 3 weeks.
How will you receive your order?
The bouquet will arrive at the desired address inside a cardboard box to avoid any damage to the product. Once this box is opened, your order will be ready to enjoy.
Care recommendations
You will receive your bouquet in a 100% recycled cardboard box, where you will find a dedication and a bag of nutrients that you can add to the vase of your choice. The vase will be placed inside the box to offer maximum convenience to our customers.
Additional Information
Colour | White, Yellow, Fuchsia, Orange |